Do you want to be in a porn movie ?

Did you know ? That the porn industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world, creating many million and billionaires.

Would you like a share of that money ?

This blog has been set up to help people just like yourselves who want to be in the porn industry. We are using many multi media avenues to promote our services, and a fully inter active website will be set up soon which will be available for all to access.

To join now is FREE, as we are looking for budding stars of the future. All we ask is that you are over 18. You might just be looking to supplement your income or do something which you enjoy. We all enjoy a good shag, so why not get paid for it.

We are a non discriminative organisation and so have no other request than that you are over 18, include any information in your email which you feel relevant to your future career.

Make this your first step, email us at

And we will start promoting you through this blog and our up and coming website for FREE.


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